First game was against an ork player who brought 15 shoota orks with a missile launcher and a nob with a power klaw. In the first turn his missile shot but it blew up harmlessly on the armor of the dreadnought. In the second turn, the nob made a dash between cover but I managed to catch him out in the open and blew him away. At his point I need to take a break from this story and explain something. For Tanks!giving this year, Games Workshop authorized the creation of 100 sets of dice for Southern California which, in anything run by GW, would be honored as Rending, even if the weapon does not normally have that rule. My opponent had a set of those dice. Now back to the story. Third turn, the mob of orks which had been dashing between cover at the edges of the board all rush out and open up on the dreadnought. It came down to the last guy on his last shot who scored the much needed six followed by another six. The damage roll came in at 5, which I promptly asked him to re-roll as a venerable. The second vehicle damage roll came in at a 6 and so my first round ended with a giant explosion.
Most of the rest of the games weren't as exiting and I did end up beating him again in the final. I ended up winning but more on that later. There was one other interesting game against an Imperial Guard player in which my dreadnought was humping a pillar trying to avoid his melta guns. That game ended up coming down to single point which, if it had gone another way, would have ended up with him winning. It was a single melta gun shot on my dreadnought as he dashed to take out the rest of the IG units.
Once I had finally one I found out my prize options were and also, why my venerable dreadnought was out on a kill team mission on his own and here it is:
My venerable dreadnought was out, on his own, rescuing his venerated battle brother who had been captured and who all others believed lost.
I'me going to try using my cellphone camera for pictures for now, let me know what you think. Here is the venerable dreadnought who saved his battle brother today:
I still need to do some more work on him like highlights and such but his body was the rush job in the two hours this morning before the tourney.
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