I started *another* fantasy army, this time Ogres. I guess I just haven't found the right army for me yet. Here's some pictures of them so far:
First off is the Bruiser which is my army general. He's a slightly modified Irongun, you'll see later in the pictures.
That's a butcher, converted up from one of the ogre bodies. I'm quite happy with how he turned out.
Last is the full army shot. You can see on the left the Ironguts which are the basis for my Bruiser.
This was not so bad since it's 1000pts straight from the battalion box. There's a lot of little nobblars left to put together but there will eventually be a 20 block of them as fighters as well as a squad of 8 trappers. The nobblars add the much needed unit strength to the ogre army. We'll see if I manage to use them well. This is going to be a very finicky army but I'm looking forward to it because they seem very interesting.
The Butchers is an interesting spell caster. The magic is pulled from the ogre god, the great maw. All of the spells cast on a 3+ which means they usually only need 1 dice. They get harder to cast if there are more butchers trying to cast though so a second casting of any spell takes a 6+, a third would take a 9+, and so on.
The Bulls, on the right, have an interesting weapon which can be used as either an extra hand weapon or a shield, depending on what you choose. It only costs 1pt more per model than a simple extra hand weapon so I opted for it though I'm not sure what use it will end up being.
The Leadbelchers, at the back on the left, are also going to be interesting to fight with. They're the only ogres with shooting and they do put out a lot of shots, an artillery dice each, but they then have to reload by standing still for a whole turn which is a big sacrifice. They can however use their cannons as clubs at any points so it's not like they become useless.
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